Our Curriculum

At Ilminster Avenue Nursery School, we believe every child deserves the best possible start in life. The curriculum provides the right framework for best practice, providing the context for learning that is both meaningful and motivational for children. It is aspirational for all children, with inclusion at its heart. All children have the right to learn alongside each other, sharing experiences, learning and fun together.

Our Curriculum is underpinned by five principles:

  • We want children to be happy: confident, trusting, independent and emotionally resilient.
  • We value every child and their family. We want to enable them to have a voice that is heard.
  • Learning starts from where the child is; enabling access and challenge for all.
  • We want children to have a wide range of learning opportunities to engage and enrich.
  • We want to provide a learning environment that is safe and calm, with adults who listen and respond to children’s shared emotions, growing secure attachments.

Every child is unique and will learn at different rates. To support children in their learning we develop positive relationships and create enabling environments in order to plan learning experiences supported by qualified and experienced staff. We are passionate about celebrating all children and supporting them at their own pace to make the best progress they can.

We understand that children move through a developmental process as they are growing and learning. Our curriculum reflects that children need to learn a sequence of key skills to enable them to learn new things.

Children need to feel safe, settled and secure in their learning environment. They need to have positive relationships with adults to help them to develop trusting and secure attachments before they are ready to explore and discover with independence and confidence.

Our Curriculum is structured around six curricular “goals”. Each area of the Curriculum links to planning the learning needed to achieve these goals. These have been informed by the cultural capital of our community.

Our Learning


Curriculum Documents

Early Reading

2 Year Old Curriculum
3/4 Year Old Curriculum
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