Did you know that via Bristol Family Hubs you can access FREE parenting courses?
Children’s Centres across the city run courses for parents with children aged 0 – 8 years old.
Here is some information about what is on offer:
Circle of Security
‘Circle of Security’ is an 8 week parent-reflection programme. This course offers relationship tools to provide a new way of understanding children’s needs with an aim to create lasting security of children and more satisfaction in parenting. Suitable for parents with children ages 0 – 5 years old. In person only and creche spaces subject to availability.
Parenting Puzzle
‘Parenting Puzzle’ is a 4 week course whereby you will be given the tools to respond effectively within daily family life and situations that arise as children grow, learn and develop. Suitable for parents with children ages 0 – 5 years old. In person and virtual courses available.
The Nurturing Programme
‘The Nurturing Programme’ is a parenting approach that is designed to provide adults and children with the understanding, skills, and ability to lead emotionally healthy lives, build resilience, empathy, self-esteem, and support positive family relationships. Suitable for parents with children ages 2 – 8 years old. 10 week course. In person only and creche spaces subject to availability.
Incredible Years
The ‘Incredible Years’ Programme is designed to strengthen child well-being, promote social-emotional learning and academic competence, and prevent, reduce, and treat behavioural and emotional problems in young children. Suitable for parents with children ages 2 – 8 years old. 11 week course. In person only and creche spaces subject to availability.
In the Incredible Years programme, parents will learn how to:
- Help their children feel loved and secure
- Encourage their children’s language, social, and emotional development
- Establish clear and predictable routines
- Handle separations and reunions
- Use positive discipline to manage misbehaviour
To register for any of the courses above, please follow this link: https://forms.office.com/e/gBv9Z5EUHv
Following your submission of a form via the above link, you will be contacted with details of the next available courses.
Free Virtual Parenting Offer
A new and FREE online parenting course resource has just launched for every family in Bristol!
To make your account visit the Bristol Family Hubs website. You will only need your postcode and the code “GROWING” will enable you to access all the learning on offer.
All parents and carers can access a range of online courses to help understand their children’s feelings better and how they can best support their children through the years as they develop and grow.
The courses cover a range of topics to support parents and carers through all stages of a child’s development including:
- Pregnancy and post-pregnancy support
- How to understand your child mental health
- Help for understanding relationships
- Support for children with additional needs
- There are also courses for teenagers to help them understand their mental health and feelings.
Learn more here.