Making Bird Feeders
The children from Raindrop Room and Rainbow Room have been outside, enjoying their time in the Forest School.
They have been making bird feeders for all the birds we’ve spotted making homes in our garden. We hope they love what we made! The children carefully threaded cereal hoops onto pipe cleaners that we could hang from the trees.
Bug Hunting
The children are always finding a wide variety of bugs in the garden, so we decided to take some magnifying glasses outside with us!
We found all sorts of interesting bugs! Snails, worms, woodlice, and slugs.
What kind of bugs do you get in your gardens?
Hide and Seek
Our garden has some amazing places to hide in, which is why the children love playing Hide and Seek so much!
Where have our friends hidden? Could they be hidden behind that tree? Are they behind the slide? Or are they hiding in the bushes?
Let’s all count to ten and go and find them!